There is a plumber’s trick I’d like to show you for a very annoying plumbing repair. It involves a common shut off valve that’s typically in a difficult place to reach. You can find this shut off valve down behind the toilet, and over time these things get filled with hard water deposits, and they begin to leak. It most often happens when you make some sort of repair to the toilet, because you move the handle.
Avoid Replacing the Shut Off Valve
This can be repaired when it’s leaking just with a simple twist of the collar piece that’s found on the valve. Tighten it up, and you can stop the leak. However, over time, these fill up so much with mineral deposits, they leak more and you might worry that you have to replace the entire shut off valve. But that’s not necessarily the case; a water valve repair doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. That’s the little trick we’re talking about today.Replacing Key Valve Parts
Chances are, if you’re living in a house that’s over 30 years old, you have these old fashioned twist shut off valves. At a certain point, they will leak so much that a major replacement is necessary. But, don’t replace the entire valve. Instead, you can use your wrench to remove the entire stem and packing part from the valve. This will look all fouled when you take the pieces off in an old unit. Go to your local hardware store or home improvement store, and get a match for this piece. Take it apart and screw it onto your valve. Tighten it up with your wrench so that it’s snug, and you’re done.This is an easy repair for a difficult problem. It will save you money on repair and maintenance if you can do this simple

If you have any questions about your leaky water shut off valve, or you need help from a Minneapolis handyman, please contact us at HandyQuick. We’d be happy to talk with you.